Tayaba Organisation

Thirsty Herds: The Fight for Survival in Pakistan’s Hottest City

“It feels like no one sees them, no one cares about them” (Reuters, 2022).
Is this the reality? Do we not care about our fellow beings who desperately crave every drop of such a basic resource? Or do we care but lack the infrastructure to support them? What solutions can help them? When do we start taking action? What we’re looking at is the whole ecosystem, where the dehydration of one crumbles down the whole system. Let’s start small but save big! Let’s H2O (Help-2-Others)……

The Lives of Water Wives

Women in Dengamal are expected to endure intensive physical and emotional labour for water hauling forcing them to succumb to the discriminatory tradition of ‘Water Wives’….

Tharparkar: A Story of Water Lockers?

Water is indeed the most valuable resource for any living being’s survival but do we keep it locked in a bank with our jewels? The water that seamlessly flows from our taps….

Water & Poverty

The economic cost of water is much greater than usually anticipated hence it is pertinent to understand the relationship between access to water and socio-economic poverty….